2018 thank you list

i just realized that the last time i did this kind of post was like 4 years ago?? wow, i thought i did appreciation post & resolution list every year..boy, i was wrong. well this year, i feel like i should do it since i genuinely feel happy and satisfied the whole year.
before i start with the thank you list, im so sorry if i have forgotten some of the memories i had and didn't mention in this post.

Thank you (no particular order i suppose);
Geng fun run - for making sem 3 BRAW classes less hambar and for all the after class mamak sesh and talks. although we are not geng anymore, yall had been a great company

Hernie - for trusting me and understanding my changes and all and willing to say what and how you feel directly and properly - & your car

Raden & Nisa - my ride (without yall, im nowhere)

Room 261 - been nothing but a blessing!! we should have been housemates tbh... no one could replace yall. so precious. for all the gossips, fun times & karaoke-ing T.T i miss those times

Yeed - matchmaker hahahaha

Sisthrens - my forever non-blood-related sisters, the ones that i trust the most & can run to whenever, wherever, forever

sspxkysb geng - my root, geng who will always be there for me good & bad times. also, Klebang trip!!

Azwar & Amerul - annoyingly good friends - aku pun tatau nak cakap macam mana

Fire (esp nasyid geng) - happy pills whenever the tension is real between houses

Iffa & Nunad - honestly the best, been with me through thick and thin - helped me so much at my lowest & teman sharing di semua media sosial

Geng dance poro poro - it was funnn dancing with u guys till late night, fun times fun times

Ppl who helped me time bowling - yall r the best, now i can play bowling happily

Qilah - always all ears & eyes to listen about my problems, my day. although we're far away from each other, but you're always there for me. & ikut je mana saya mahu - misalnya, times square

Melon - my baby melon, also never fail to lend me ears and be there for me at hard times

Aizat - Aku tatau lah tapi kau banyak gak ada dengan aku time happy happy - contohnya, a'famosa, poro, bowling, double date, nasyid hurmz

and of course last but not least

Taufiq, my namja chingu - the one who successfully reveal my girly soft side, my new strength, the reason why im happy every day; literally my everything

We may not have good memories together next year but I hope you guys acknowledge that you've been my source of happiness once before. <3 2019="" :d="" all.="" all="" also="" annoyed="" backbited:="" be="" better="" but="" cringed="" everyone="" feel="" for="" forgive="" from="" get="" happy="" hates="" idk="" if="" it="" know.="" making="" may="" me="" my="" need="" new="" ok.="" okay="" p="" please="" reading.="" really="" s="" sorry="" talk="" thank="" that="" this="" those="" to="" way.="" what="" who="" wrongdoings="" yall="" year="" you="">


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