
Showing posts from July, 2022

Renewed intention

 I think it’s time for me to write again. Welcome to another episode of renewed intention: Nadhirah trying her best to blog regularly. An annual resolution that has failed terribly for only-God-knows-how-many-consecutive-years. I am finally inspired to start a habit of writing in my train ride to/back work/home.  But what do I talk about? Things have been very rapidly moving since Ramadhan or since I’ve started working in my new department. And I have been loving it so far. Who knew I would enjoy working in a risk management team? It’s something that does not interest me in university. But I’m giving credits to my colleagues in the department because they’re warm and very supportive of us new members.  This is basically me rambling on anything that come across my mind at this second. I’ve celebrated my four years with T in April & my 23 years of living on this Earth in June. Wild to think about I’ve been stuck to this amazing guy and heading to forever insyaAllah soon (not so soon,