
Showing posts from October, 2021

Cat on a tree

20 October 2021 It was raining since yesterday and it was raining hard today. No sign of Onnyx since yesterday’s Maghrib. She’s gone while I was playing monopoly deal with Qiya and Khairin. We went for few rounds of search for this blind black not-so-kitten. Calling her name, shaking its favourite toy and splatting her food all over the road hoping she’ll find her way home in the dark.  Woke up and immediately went for a search again around 7am today but still heard no meow nor its bell. God, I was worried as hell I can’t even focus on my work for the day. And to make it worse, I was tad hormonal and emotional today so I worked downstairs just to see if she’d come home and ease my way out the door to search for her in between my work. Another few rounds around the neighbourhood, still no sign. It started to rain heavily in the evening but I still went to search for her, worried that she’ll get wet. Fast forward it was 9pm, I was folding clothes and by the time I finished the chore,...